Fundamentals of Brand Management

Paper Code: 
MAM 226
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Objective: The basic purpose of this subject is to integrate the basics of Branding to the students. This subject also incorporates the necessary knowledge of various concepts of brands and consumers.


Learning outcomes: On completion of this paper/course student should be able to-



Course outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching


Assessment Strategies

Paper Code-

Paper Title

CO 83.Understand key principles of branding

CO 84.Demonstrate knowledge of the nature and processes of branding and brand management

CO 85.Evaluate the scope of brand management activity across the overall organizational context and analyze how it relates to other business areas.

CO 86.Appraise the key issues in managing a brand portfolio and making strategic brand decisions

CO 87.Analyze and discuss contemporary brand related problems and develop appropriate strategies and initiatives.

CO 88.Create                           learner’s knowledge of branding frameworks, strategies and brandings role within business and society.




Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Tutorials, Case Study

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation



Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, presentations


MAM 227

Fundament als of Brand Management



Introduction to brand: Concept, nature, scope, characteristics of
branding. Stages of brand evolution, Difference between Brand and
Product. Types of brands. Brand Name decisions, brand name Creation Process.


Brand Perspectives (Visual/Verbal, Positioning Value, Brand Image,
Added Value, Perceptual Appeal & Brand Personality), Anatomy of a
Brand- (The Perceptual & Product Concept)


Brand and Consumers
Buying Decisions, Perspectives on Consumer Behavior (Economic, 12
Passive, Emotional & Cognitive)
Customer Loyalty
Brand Development Index & Category Development Index(BDI & CDI), Valued Discrimination(Strategy for Building Superior Brands), Identify Segments, Key Drivers of Buying, Determining Relative Importance, Sources of Discriminative Value.


Brand Identity: Brand Identity Perspectives (Brand as a Product, an Organization, a Person & a Symbol)
Brand Identity Levels (Inner & Outer Core & Brand Value Proposition)
Kapferers Brand Identity Prism


Brand Positioning: Concept, Objectives, 3 Cs of Positioning
(Customer, Competitor & Company)
Competitive Frames of Reference, Point of Parity (POP) and Point of Difference (POD), Establishing Category Membership, Choosing POP’s and POD’s, Creating POP’s and POD’s.
Positioning Strategies: Meaning, Types of Positioning Strategies:, Attribute Positioning, Price/quality Positioning, Use or Application Positioning, User Positioning, Product Class Positioning, Competitive Positioning.
Errors in positioning.
*Case studies related to entire topics are to be taught.

Essential Readings: 

·        Marketing and Branding: Indian Scenario, Kumar, Ramesh S., Pearson, 2007

·        Strategic brand management, Keller, Kevin Larie, Prentice Hall of India, 2003

·        Building Brand Value: 5 Steps To Building Powerful Brands, Parmeswara, M.G., Tata McGrawHill, 2006

·        Brand Management; Harsh V Verma, 2nd, Excel Books, 2006

·        Brand Aid: A Quick Reference Guide to Solving your Branding Problems and Strengthening your Market Position, Brad VanAuken, AMACOM, 2014

·        Chandershekhar, K.S., Product Management- Text, Applications and Cases, Himalayan Publishing Houser, Edition 2012.

·        Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, by Ries& Trout, 2001

·        DuttaKirti, Brand Management – Principles and Practices, Oxford University Press,2012

·        Kapferer .J.N, The Strategic Brand Management-Advanced Insights & Strategic Thinking,5 edition,2012.

·        Rowels Daniel,Digital Branding, Kogan pages , 2018.

·        Kevin Lane Keller ,Strategic brand management: building, measuring, and managing brand equity,Prentice Hall, 2013

·        Building Strong Brands, David, A Aker, The Free Press, 1996


Academic Year: