Consumer Behaviour

Paper Code: 
MAM 422
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To develop a comprehensive picture of the consumer psychology in order to explain consumer motivation, learning, personality, perception, and attitude formation.

Unit I: 
Unit I

Introduction to Consumer Behavior:
Introduction to Consumer Behavior: Consumer Behaviour Strategic Applications, Key Determinants of Buyer Behaviour, Family Influences and Group Influences, Cultural Influences

Unit II: 
Unit II

Understanding Buyer Behaviour:
Understanding Buyer Behaviour: Consumer Motivation, Perception and Personality, Formation and Modification of consumer attitudes

Unit III: 
Unit III

Consumer Decision Making Process
Consumer Decision Making Process: Consumer Decision Process- Problem Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of Alternatives and purchase, post-purchase process.
Organizational buying behaviour and consumerism: Influences on organizational buying Behaviour& organizational Buying Behavior Process

Unit IV: 
Unit IV

Models of Consumer Behavior:
Models of Consumer Behavior: Traditional models, contemporary models- Nicosia model, Howard Sheth model, Engel-Blackwell-Miniard model

Unit V: 
Unit V

Digital Marketing Consumer behavior:
Digital Marketing Consumer behavior: Concept of digital consumers, Types of digital consumers, paradigm shift in the behavior of digital consumers, New trends in digital marketing


• MajumdarRamanuj, Consumer Behaviour: Insights from Indian Market, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,2013.
• Engel James F, Blackwell Roger and Miniard P. W: Consumer Behaviour; Thomson South Western, 2005.
• Satish K Batra& SHH Kazmi, Consumer Behaviour Text and cases, Second Edition, Excel Books 2008
• Loudon & Della Bitta: Consumer Behavior (fourth Edition); Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2002.
• Lindquist &Sirgy: Shopper, Buyer and Consumer Behavior (Second Edition); Biztantra, 2008.
• S. Ramesh Kumar: Conceptual Issues in Consumer Behavior - The Indian Context (First Edition); Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Indian Print, 2003

Academic Year: