Seminar Presentation and Viva voce

Paper Code: 
MAM 228
Contact Hours: 

Objective: To create awareness regarding current trends, issues and researches related to various aspects of International Business.
Content: Each student will choose a topic in the beginning of the semester. They will be required to prepare a primary research report. 30 hours lab sessions are provided for hands on training on SPSS and systematic review of literature to the students as follows for covering the following:

Unit I: 
Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MNOVA)

Testing assumptions of MNOVA, Running MNOVA with SPSS, Multiple comparisons in MNOVA, Output from MNOVA
Regression- Simple Linear Model, Linear Model with several Predictors, Model estimation, Assessing Goodness of Fit, R and R square, Assessing individual Predictors
Bias in Regression Model- Unusual cases, Generalizing the Model, Sample size in Regression, Assumptions, What if assumptions are violated
Interpreting Regression Model – Descriptives, Summary of Model, Model Parameters, Excluded variables, Assessing Multicollinearity,

Unit II: 
Moderation and mediation of variables

Exploratory Factor Analysis- Discovering Factors, Running the analysis, Interpreting output from SPSS, Reliability Analysis, How to report Factor analysis.

Apart from the 30 hrs. lab sessions, students are required to devote 4 hrs. per week under the supervision of their respective supervisors on regular basis for guidance on report.

Essential Readings: 

• IBM SPSS Statistics 20 Core System User’s Guide
• IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 User's Guide
• G N Prabhakara, Synopsis Dissertation And Research To Pg Students, Jaypee Brothers
• Medical Publishers; second edition (2016)

Academic Year: