Fundamentals of Advertising

Paper Code: 
ABM 201
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of advertising and its place in business, branding, and society. As an introductory course, it will prepare students for further study in both basic and specialized areas of advertising and commercial communication.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title






ABM 201


   Fundamentals of Advertising







The students will  –


CO14: Analyze  the history and basic concepts of advertising;

CO15: Examine  advertising's place in the communications mix;

CO16: Comprehend the types of advertising;

CO17: Analyze the aspects related to various models of advertising

CO18: Discuss current trends in advertising.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Giving tasks

Continuous assessment test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Introduction to Advertising

Brief History and development of Advertising, Five Players of Advertising (Wells Burnett), Five M’s of Advertising, Consumer orientation & Advertising, Roles/Functions of Advertising, Essentials of Effective Advertising

Unit II: 
Types of Advertising- I

Various kinds of advertising depending upon –Target Audience: Consumer, Industrial, Trade, Professional and Financial Advertising.
Functions : Direct and Indirect advertising, Action advertising, Primary and Selective advertising, Push and Pull Advertising.
Product : Consumer, Industrial (Business to Business)
Product Life Cycle: Pioneering, Competitive and Retentive Advertising
Public Relation Advertising : Institutional, Political, Advocacy, Public Service Advertising
MISC: Comparative and Competitive Advertising, Surrogate, Subliminal

Unit III: 
Integrated marketing Communication

Definition of IMC, Role of IMC, Promotional Mix-tools for IMC (Public Relations, Sales promotions, Personal Selling and Direct marketing)

Unit IV: 
Advertising Communication Models

DAGMAR Approach, Response Hierarchy Model- (AIDA Model, Hierarchy of effects model, Innovation Adoption, Model, Communication Model), Heightened Appreciation Model, Advertising Exposure model

Unit V: 
Current Trends in Advertising Sponsorships

Viral Marketing, Word-of mouth marketing/ Guerilla Marketing, In-store, marketing/Promotional Product Marketing

Essential Readings: 
  • Chunawala S.A., Sethia K.C., Foundations of Advertising Theory and Practice, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai K. C, Book. Edition, 4th. Publication 2006.
  • Wells William, Burnett, John, Moriarty Sandra, Advertising Principles and Practice, Pearson Education, New Delhi 10th Edition 2018.
  • Batra, Rajeev, Myres, John G. and Aaker, David A., Advertising Management, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2009, 5th Edition.
  • Jethwaney Jaishri, Jain Shruti, Advertising Management, Oxford University Press, 2006
  • Belch George E, Belch Michael A, Advertising Promotion, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd, New Delhi 9th edition, 2018.



Academic Year: