Creative Advertising – Planning and Development

Paper Code: 
ABM 501
Contact Hours: 
Unit I: 
Advertising Strategic Planning

- Situation analysis
- Advertising Objectives,
- Means End Theory (Leverage Points), Verbal & Visual Image
- Target Audience,
- Product Image And Personality,
- Product Positioning

Unit II: 
Creative Strategy

- The Big Idea
- Creativity & Creative Thinking (Free Association, Divergent Thinking, Analogies & Metaphors, Right Brain Thinking)
- Creative Process

Unit III: 
Message Strategy

- Buying Motives
- Types of Appeals
Rational, Emotional (positive and negative) and Moral appeals
- Message Approaches
- Message Execution
- Concept of Copy & Copywriter
- Main steps in copy development,
- Essentials of good copy

Unit IV: 
Copywriting for print

- Types of print copy - Display Copy & Body Copy
- Copy elements – Headline, Sub Headline, Body Copy, Caption, Slogan, Call outs, Tag line, logo - Signature, Call to Action
Copywriting for radio
- Tools of Radio copy writing
- Characteristics of Radio copy
- Various techniques of Radio Copy writing
Copywriting for television
- Tools of Television copy writing
- Characteristics of Television copy, Scripts & Story Board

Unit V: 
Effective Advertising for the Internet

- Types of internet ads
- Writing for the internet –banners, web ads, websites

Essential Readings: 

1. Chunawala S.A., Sethia K.C., Foundations of Advertising Theory and Practice, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
2. Wells William, Burnett, John, Moriarty Sandra, Advertising Principles and Practice, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
3. Batra, Rajeev, Myres, John G. and Aaker, David A., Advertising Management, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi
4. Jethwaney Jaishri, Jain Shruti, Advertising Management, Oxford


1. Belch George E, Belch Michael A, Advertising Promotion, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd, New Delhi
2. Clow Kenneth E, Baack Donald, Integrated Advertising Promotion and Marketing Communication, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi
3. Agarwal P.K., Advertising, Sales Promotion And CRM, A Pragati Edition