Corporate Internship and Viva voce

Paper Code: 
MAM 327
Max. Marks: 

The objective of this paper is to give practical exposure of Corporate work Environment and Hands-on experience to students.

Guidelines- 30 hours Lab sessions will be available to the students for completion of their report. Students are expected to finalize the project title and complete the data collection process in consultation with their supervisor during their summer internship. At the beginning of semester III Lab sessions will be available to the students under the supervision of a faculty for the following-

Unit I: 
Unit I

Data Compilation
Data Compilation- Compiling data in excel, importing to SPSS/Analytical tool, Data Cleaning and summarizing
Data Analysis using SPSS/Analytical tool

Unit II: 
Unit II

Report Writing
Report Writing- Preparation of Rough Draft and Final Draft

Academic Year: