Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

Paper Code: 
MAM 421
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This paper aims to understand ethical issues in business and the role of Corporate Governance practices in maintaining transparency in business transactions. To highlight the importance of commitment to values and ethical conduct of business.

Unit I: 
Unit I

Introduction to Business Ethics:
Introduction to Business Ethics: Meaning, Nature of Ethics, Ethical Concepts and Theories, Morals and Values, Importance and need of ethics in business, Kohlberg’s six stages of moral development (CMD)
Values – Importance, Sources of Value Systems, Types,Values across Cultures, Difference between values and ethics.

Unit II: 
Unit II

Managerial Ethics
Managerial Ethics: Categories of management morality Ethical Problems-Dilemma at Work-Sources , Resolutions, Corporate Ethical Leadership Whistle Blowing
Ethical Decisions: Concept, Ethical Decision Making, Ethical Dilemmas in Organization, Social Responsibility of Business.

Unit III: 
Unit III

Ethical Issues In The Functional Area:
Ethical Issues In The Functional Area: Concept, Ethics in Marketing , Ethics in Finance, Ethics in HR and Ethics in Information Technology
Environmental Ethics, Corruption And Gender Issues: Environmental Ethics, Corruption, Gender Ethics, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination.

Unit IV: 
Unit IV

Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance: Meaning of Corporate Governance, Difference between Governance and Management, Purpose of Good Governance, Potential Consequence of poor CG, Governance risk and Financial Stability- The balancing of conflicting objectives.
Indian and Global Scenario: Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, Overview of Anglo-American, Japanese, German, models of CG Reports and recommendations of Narayan Murthy and Ganguly Committees

Unit V: 
Unit V

Strengthening Corporate Governance:
Strengthening Corporate Governance: Role and composition of the board, remuneration of directors and senior executives, Rights and responsibilities of shareholders, Ownership of independent directors
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Introduction to CSR, Advantages and Scope, Indian Scenario, CG and CSR, Corporate governance rating


• S K Mandal (2011), Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
• A.C. Fernando(2009), Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective, Pearson Education India.
• David J.Fritzsch(2004), Business Ethics; a Global and Managerial Perspective, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Singapore
• Riya Rupani (2015), Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, Himalaya Publishing
• Murthy C.S.V(2009), Business Ethics, Himalaya Publishing.
• Daniel Albuquerque(2010), Business Ethics: Principles and practice, Oxford Uni.

Academic Year: