Brand Identity & Valuation

Paper Code: 
ABM 402
Contact Hours: 
Unit I: 
Brand Identity

Brand Identity Perspectives (Brand as a Product, an Organization, a Person & a Symbol), Brand Identity Levels (Inner & Outer Core & Brand Value Proposition), Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism, Aaker model

Unit II: 
Brand Awareness

Brand Recognition(Direct & Indirect), Brand Recall (Aided & Unaided), Brand Image, Brand’s Primary Association
Brand Association, Simple Association Inventory, Relative Brand Image Profile Analysis, Attitude to The Brand Analysis(Tri-Component Attitude Model & Multi-Attribute Attitude to the Object Model)

Unit III: 
Brand Valuation

Cost Based Method, Historical Cost, Replacement Cost, Market value method, Discounted cash flow method, Brand contribution method, Inter brand method, Royalty Approach Method

Unit IV: 
Brand Valuation

Price Based Method, Price premium, Market-share equalization
Price-premium at indifference, Consumer Based Method, Brand knowledge, Attribute rating, Blind test

Unit V: 
Decline, ageing and revitalization

Factors of decline, ageing of brands, rejuvenating a brand,
Brand Elimination- Systematic approach, Strategies (Merger, Sale, Milking & Outright Elimination)

Essential Readings: 

• Marketing and Branding: Indian Scenario, Kumar, Ramesh S., Pearson, 2007
• Strategic brand management, Keller, Kevin Larie, Prentice Hall of India, 2003
• Building Brand Value: 5 Steps To Building Powerful Brands, Parmeswara, M.G., Tata McGrawHill, 2006
• Brand Management; Harsh V Verma, 2nd, Excel Books, 2006
• Dutta Kirti, Brand Management – Principles and Practices, Oxford University Press,2012
• Chandershekhar, K.S., Product Management- Text, Applications and Cases, Himalyan
Publishing House, Edition 2012.
• Kotler Philip, Marketing Management, Pearson 2014, New Delhi

Academic Year: