Brand Equity and Valuation

Paper Code: 
ABM 602
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To give students in depth knowledge of various aspects concerning value and

Strength of the Brand that decides it’s worth.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title






ABM 602

Brand Equity and Valuation




The students will  –



CO75: Explain the concept of brand equity

CO76: Evaluate different brand equity models and their importance.

CO77: Review different holistic methods for valuing brand equity.

CO78: Examine the multidimensionality of brand equity and the importance of multiple methods to measure it.

CO79: Measure and manage the brand equity.



Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Giving tasks

Continuous assessment test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Brand Equity

Customer based brand equity(Keller’s framework), Brand Equity Models, Brand Asset Valuator, Aaker Model, Brand Resonance (Brand Resonance Pyramid)

Unit II: 
Building Brand Equity

Choosing Brand Elements, Brand Elements Choice Criteria, Developing Brand Elements, Designing Holistic Marketing Activities, Personalization, Integration, Internalization
Creating Brand Association, Attribute association, Benefit association, Attitude association

Unit III: 
Assets & Liabilities of Brand Equity

Brand Loyalty, Name awareness, Perceived quality, Association in addition to perceived quality, Proprietary assets (patents & trademarks, Brand Report Card (Kevin Lane Keller)

Unit IV: 
Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance

Brand Valuation: Cost Based Methods, Historical Cost, Replacement cost, Market Value method, Discounted Cash Flow method, Brand contribution method, Inter brand method, Price based methods, Price premium, Market share equalization, Price premium at indifference. Consumer based Methods: Brand Knowledge, Attribute rating, Blind Test

Unit V: 
Measuring Brand Equity

Brand Audit, Brand Inventory, Brand Exploratory, Brand Tracking
Managing Brand Equity
Brand Reinforcement, Brand Revitalization, Brand Crisis

Essential Readings: 
  • Strategic brand management, Keller,Ambi, Isaac Jacob,Prentice Hall of India, 2016
  • Building Brand Value: 5 Steps To Building Powerful Brands, Parmeswara, M.G., Tata McGrawHill, 2006
  • Brand Management; Harsh V Verma, 2nd, Excel Books, 2016
  • Brand Aid: A Quick Reference Guide to Solving your Branding Problems and Strengthening your Market Position, Brad VanAuken, AMACOM, 2014
  • Chandershekhar, K.S., Product Management- Text, Applications and Cases, Himalayan Publishing Houser, Edition 2012.
  • DuttaKirti, Brand Management – Principles and Practices, Oxford University Press,2012
  • Kapferer .J.N, The Strategic Brand Management-Advanced Insights & Strategic Thinking,5 edition,2012.
  •  Kevin Lane Keller ,Strategic brand management: building, measuring, and managing brand equity,Prentice Hall, 2013
  • Tapan K.Panda, Product and Brand Management, Oxford University Press,2016
  • A.K.Chitale, Ravi Gupta, Product and Brand Management, PHI  Learning Limited Delhi, 2016
  • Sangeeta Trott,Vinod V.Sople, Brand Equity An Indian Perspective, PHI  Learning Limited Delhi, 2016


Academic Year: