Advertising Media and Research

Paper Code: 
MAM 324
Contact Hours: 

The subject will help the students to grow the insides of Media and its related concepts.

Unit I: 
Overview of Media and Media Planning

Meaning of Media, Meaning/Scope of Media Planning, Impact of Marketing Objectives on Media Planning, Factors Influencing Media Planning Decisions, Role and Importance of Media in Consumer Buying Decision, Media Planning Process

Unit II: 
Media and its Role

Role of media in advertising and study their advantages and limitations of the following:Print Meaning- Factors Affecting Selection of Print Media Decisions , Types of Print Media, Advantages and Limitations, Television- Meaning, Factors Affecting Selection of Television Media Decisions, Advantages and Limitations, Radio- Meaning, Factors Affecting Selection of Radio Media Decision, Advantages and Limitations, Out of Home (OOH)- Meaning, Types of OOH, Factors Affecting OOH Planning Decision, Advantages and Limitations, Special Media-Specialty Advertising

Unit III: 
Above the line/Below the line/Through the Line

Meaning of Above the line, Meaning of below the line, Meaning of through the line, Distinguish between ATL, BTL and TTL, Elements of ATL, BTL and TTL

Unit IV: 
Understanding Media Objectives, Strategy, Scheduling

Strategy and Media Plan: Setting Media Objectives: Determining Media Objectives, Criteria for selecting Media Vehicles: Reach, frequency, Cost per thousand, Cost per rating, Circulation. Media Timing: Flight, pulsing and Scheduling, Media Ability: Distribution measurement, Audience Measurement and Exposure Measurement, Media Geographic location: National Plan, Regional and Skim Approach

Unit V: 
Advertising Research

Meaning and Importance of Advertising ResearchPretesting Methods:Pre-tests for Print Media Advertisements: Consumer Jury Test, Portfolio test, Mock magazine Test, Direct questioning Test, Perceptual Meaning Studies (PMS), Pre-tests for Broadcast Media Advertisements:In Home Projection Tests, Trailer Tests, Theatre Test, Live Telecast Test:, Physiological Testing Eye Movement Camera, Galvanometer, Perceptoscope or Pupilometric Devices
Post Testing Methods:Penetration tests: Recognition/recall, Gallup-Robinson Impact Test

Essential Readings: 

• Advertising Media Planning, Jack ZanvilleSissors and Roger. B Baren, McGraw-Hill Education; 7th edition, 2010.
• Media Planning and Buying Principles and practices in the Indian Context, McGrawHill, ArpitaMenon 2009 ISBN 0071330267.

Academic Year: