Social Media Networking and Presentation Skills

Paper Code: 
LAD 320
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

• Give students in depth knowledge of the various aspects concerning Personal branding, creating online resume on various platforms, learning to work on writing online and offline content
• Emphasis on public speaking, and working amongst different groups and with cultural diversity

Unit I: 
Unit I

Personal Branding: Converting hobby into passion
Personal Branding: Converting hobby into passion: Introduction to personal branding, the art of authenticity, Choosing the best social media network, why scheduling is important, Brand maintenance, online identity, creating relationship with the professional network to create a professional personal brand.
Social networking sites: Blogging your passion
Self-discipline and trust building activities, what is blogging and blogging platforms, which platform to choose, setting up a blog, types of blog and blog writing, finding the right subject matter, following skill not passion, do’s and don’ts of blogging.

Unit II: 
Unit II

Business Etiquette: Grooming, Positive impression, Communication, Social Imaging. E-Mail Etiquette: Professional Behaviour at work, Subject line, CC-BCC, professional e mail address and other basic do’s and don’ts.
Phone etiquette: Tone of voice, receiving and dialling, phone language, eliminating distraction, basic etiquette and do’s and don’ts.
Whatsapp/messaging etiquette, social etiquette, Business meeting etiquette, cubicle manners, dining etiquette, social media etiquette

Unit III: 
Unit III

Pre presentation research and prep
Pre-Presentation Prep, preparing slides and Yourself, Delivering the Presentation, Practical- Individual Presentations and Extempore, do’s and don’ts in presentations, using graphics, images and videos, saving presentations, giving a boost start with a case study or a story, 6 by 6 slide rule. Types of presentations, taking presentations to SlideShare and LinkedIn, importance of research.

Unit IV: 
Unit IV

Stress Management
Stress Management: Knowing the reasons, living a relaxed life, Being Emotionally Wise, Inner self integration technique, Meditation, types and importance.

Unit V: 
Unit V

Seminar/Webinar and Industry Expert Session
These will be conducted by Industry leaders as question answer session and experience sharing


• Erik Deckers and Kyle Lacy (2010), Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself

Academic Year: