Product and Brand Management

Paper Code: 
ABM 202
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

The basic purpose of this subject is to integrate the basics of Product and brand management to the students.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title






ABM 202


Product and Brand Management







The students will  –


CO19: Interpret what a product is, the various levels which make it up, and different types of products

CO20: Demonstrate knowledge of the nature and fundamental concepts of product and brand development and management.

CO21: Explain the process and various stages of new product development

CO22: Discuss the use product life cycle to understand how a firm manages its product mix.

CO23: Analyse the Emergence of virtual organization and various aspects of digital branding.



Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Giving tasks

Continuous assessment test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Product Management & Product Offering Decisions

Marketing Mix and Product Strategy – Integrated Approach, Levels of a Product, Product-Mix Decisions, Product-line strategies, Packaging and Labeling Decisions.

Unit II: 
Product Manager and Product Management

Product manager and his roles, Marketing organizations
Product Manager’s job- Special skills , Functions of Product Manager
Roles and Responsibilities of Product Manager.
Product Life Cycle
Managing PLC, Various Strategies of PLC
Marketing Implications of PLC

Unit III: 
New Product Development Process

Introduction, Characteristics of a successful product development
Challenges in new product development, New Product Development Process
Future Trends and Product Management

Unit IV: 
Brands and Brand Management

Brand elements ,Branding decisions
Brands and Product,Role of Brands, History of Branding
Branding Challenges and Opportunities.
Brand Communication
Purpose, Communication Process, Integrated Brand Communication Process -Features, process, tools
Factors affecting choice of Brand communication Tools
Brand Communication Tools

Unit V: 
Digital Branding

Introduction, Emergence of virtual organization Internet, E-Commerce, and Mobile Commerce.
Building online brands, Building digital Brand experiences
Challenges of digital branding
Web Branding-Naming online brands, online brand Management
Brand positioning in Digital world, critical success factors for digital branding.
Challenges for managing digital brands, digital branding strategies, and value promises for digital brands

Essential Readings: 
  • Strategic brand management, Keller,Ambi, Isaac Jacob,Prentice Hall of India, 2016
  • Brand Management; Harsh V Verma, 2nd, Excel Books, 2016
  • Brand Aid: A Quick Reference Guide to Solving your Branding Problems and Strengthening your Market Position, Brad VanAuken, AMACOM, 2014
  • Chandershekhar, K.S., Product Management- Text, Applications and Cases, Himalayan Publishing Houser, Edition 2012.
  • Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, by Ries& Trout, 2016
  • DuttaKirti, Brand Management – Principles and Practices, Oxford University Press,2012
  • Kapferer .J.N, The Strategic Brand Management-Advanced Insights & Strategic Thinking,5 edition,2012.
  • Rowels Daniel,Digital Branding, Kogan pages , 2018.
  •  Kevin Lane Keller ,Strategic brand management: building, measuring, and managing brand equity,Prentice Hall, 2013
  • Tapan K.Panda, Product and Brand Management, Oxford University Press,2016
  • A.K.Chitale, Ravi Gupta, Product and Brand Management, PHI  Learning Limited Delhi, 2016
  • Sangeeta Trott,Vinod V.Sople, Brand Equity An Indian Perspective, PHI  Learning Limited Delhi, 2016
  • Vandana Ahuja, Digital Marketing,Oxford University Press, 2015.


Academic Year: