Organizational Behaviour

Paper Code: 
MAM 221
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

The objective of this subject is to acquaint the students with the theories and concepts of the various organizational aspects.

Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of this course, a student should be able to:


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title

MAM 221

Organizational Behaviour

CO 53: Analyse the behaviour of individuals in organizations in terms of the key factors that influence organizational behaviour .

CO 54: Evaluate different types of personalities on the basis of various theories of personality.

CO 55: Analyse the complexities associated with the management of people by evaluating the factors influencing group behaviour and group cohesiveness.

CO 56 Demonstrate the applicability of the concept of OB to understand the behaviour of people.

CO 57: Analyse the various aspects of conflicts and develop strategies to manage the same.

CO 58: Analyse various aspects and issues concerning stress and organizational change.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Tutorials, Case Study


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, presentations

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation




Organizational Behaviour: Definition, Importance, Disciplines contributing to Organization Behaviour.
Foundations of Individual Behaviour: Perception-Meaning, charactersitcs, perceptual process Perceptual selectivity, Perceptual Organization
Personality-Meaning, theories of personality-psychoanalytical theory, socio-psychological theory, trait theory and self theory


Foundations of Group Behaviour: Meaning, Importance, Process of Group Formation, Types of Groups, Factors influencing group behaviour, Group cohesiveness, factors affecting group cohesiveness
Team: Meaning, difference between team and group, Types of teams, techniques of effective team building.


Organizational Power: Meaning, characteristics, classification of power, contingency approaches to power.
Politics: Meaning, Reasons of politics


Conflicts: Meaning, Reasons of conflict, types of conflict, Process of conflict, merits and demerits, management of conflict.


Stress: Meaning, reasons of stress, types of stress, effect of stress, strategies for coping stress.
Organizational Change; Meaning, reasons, types, process of change, résistance to change, management of change.

Essential Readings: 
  • Stephen P. Robins, Organizational Behaviour, Prentice-Hall of Indian Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.11th edition
  • Mehta Anil &ChouhanBhumija., “Organizational Behaviour”, RBD Publications, Jaipur.
  • Prasad L M., “Organization Behaviour”, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.2nd edition
  • John W. Newstrom and Kilth Davis, OrganisationalBehaviour, (Human behaviour at work) Tata McGraw – Hill, New Delhi:9th edition
  • Luthans, Fred, OrganisationalBehaviour McGraw-Hill Inc., New Delhi: 1992 9th edition
  • Davies, Keth, OrganisationalBehaviour (Human Behaviour at work), Tata McGrawHill, NewDelhi.



Academic Year: