The Law of Expansion
The Law of Contraction
The Law of Publicity
The Law of Advertising
The Law of the Word
The Law of Credentials
The Law of Quality
The Law of the Category
The Law of the Name
The Law of Extensions
The Law of Fellowship
The Law of the Generic
The Law of the Company
The Law of Sub brands
The Law of Siblings
The Law of Shape
The Law of Color
The Law of Borders
The Law of Consistency
The Law of Change
The Law of Mortality
The Law of Singularity
1. Ries Al & Ries Laura, 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, Ransom Publications, 2006
1. Moorty Y.L.R., Brand Management, Vikas Publication, New Delhi
2. Verma Harsh V, Brand Management, Excel Books, New Delhi.
3. Kotler/Keller/Koshy/Jha, Marketing Management, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. David Akkar, Managing Brand Equity, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi
5. Kapoor Jagdeep, Nine Brand Shastras, Response BJIMS, New Delhi