Fundamentals of Marketing

Paper Code: 
ABM 101
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Introduction to Marketing

- Emergence of Marketing
- Different Marketing Concepts /Philosophies
- Difference between Selling and Marketing
- Holistic Marketing Concept
- Core concepts of Marketing
- Markets

Unit II: 
Marketing Communication

- W,s and H,s of marketing
- Role of Advertising in Marketing
- Marketing Mix (4 P’s)
Current Issues in Marketing
- Direct or Interactive Marketing
- Globalization
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Niche Marketing
- Social Media Marketing

Unit III: 
Consumer Behavior- I

Meaning and Definition
- Consumer & Target Market
- Cultural and Social Influences on Consumers
(Culture, Social Class, Reference Groups, Family &
- Demographics)

Unit IV: 
Consumer Behavior- II

- Psychological Influences on Consumers (Perception, Learning, Motivation, Attitudes,
- VALS Model
- The consumer decision process

Unit V: 
Introduction to Communication Mix

- Definition & Characteristics of Advertising, Publicity, Sales promotion, Personal Selling and Public Relation
- Comparative Study of Advertising with Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Publicity and Personal Selling.

Essential Readings: 
  1. Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, Abraham Koshy, Mithileshwar Jha: Marketing Management (Twelfth Edition), A South Asian Perspective; Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd.
  2. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
  3. George E. Belch & Michael A. Belch,: Advertising and Promotion, Sixth Edition, The Mc Graw Hill Companies, 2003


  1. Michael J Evyl, Bruce J. Walker, William J. Stanton, Ajay Pandit, Marketing ,Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd 2010
  2. Rajiv Lal, John A. Quelch, V. Kastur Rangan, Marketing: Text and Cases, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. 2009
  3. Paul Baines, Chris Fill, Kelly Page Marketing, Oxford university Press
  4. Namakumari & Ramaswamy, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi.
  5. Jain,Subash C, International Marketing Management, CBS publishers 7 distributors New Delhi.
  6. Varshney R.L.& Bhattacharya B, International Marketing Management in Indian Perspectives Sultan Chand & Sons Publishers, New Delhi.



Academic Year: