Brand Management

Paper Code: 
ABM 502
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the underlying concepts, strategies and issues involved in managing brands.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title






ABM 502

Brand Management





The students will  –


CO60: Demonstrate knowledge of the nature and processes of branding and brand management

CO61: Evaluate the scope of brand management activity across the overall organizational context and analyze how it relates to other business areas.

CO62: Appraise the key issues in managing a brand portfolio and making strategic brand decisions.

CO63: Formulate and justify brand development decisions

CO64: Analyze and discuss contemporary brand related problems and develop appropriate strategies and initiatives.



Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Giving tasks

Continuous assessment test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Stages of Brand Management

Introduction, Elaboration, Fortification, Types of Brand & their stages, Functional, Symbolic, Experiential

Unit II: 
Branding Strategy

Definition, Types of branding strategy, Product Branding, Line Branding, Range Branding, Umbrella Branding, Source Double Branding, Endorsement Branding, Factors affecting the branding strategy.

Unit III: 
Line Extensions

Meaning & Significance, Risks in Line Extensions, Brand Extensions, Meaning , Need / Importance of Brand Extensions

Unit IV: 
Types of Brand Extensions

Product Form of Extension, Companion Product, Customer Form Extension, Company Expertise, Brand Distinction, Brand Image or Prestige, Distinctive Taste, Ingredient or Component, Advantages & Disadvantages of Brand Extensions

Unit V: 
Brand Hierarchy

Concept, types, product hierarchy
Brand Portfolio, Flankers, Cash Cows, Low-end entry level High-end entry level

Essential Readings: 
  • Strategic brand management, Keller,Ambi, Isaac Jacob,Prentice Hall of India, 2016
  • Building Brand Value: 5 Steps To Building Powerful Brands, Parmeswara, M.G., Tata McGrawHill, 2006
  • Brand Management; Harsh V Verma, 2nd, Excel Books, 2016
  • Brand Aid: A Quick Reference Guide to Solving your Branding Problems and Strengthening your Market Position, Brad VanAuken, AMACOM, 2014
  • Chandershekhar, K.S., Product Management- Text, Applications and Cases, Himalayan Publishing Houser, Edition 2012.
  • DuttaKirti, Brand Management – Principles and Practices, Oxford University Press,2012
  • Kapferer .J.N, The Strategic Brand Management-Advanced Insights & Strategic Thinking,5 edition,2012.
  • Kevin Lane Keller ,Strategic brand management: building, measuring, and managing brand equity,Prentice Hall, 2013
  • Tapan K.Panda, Product and Brand Management, Oxford University Press,2016
  • A.K.Chitale, Ravi Gupta, Product and Brand Management, PHI  Learning Limited Delhi, 2016


Academic Year: