Brand Identity&Valuation

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Brand Identity

Brand Identity
- Concept
- Brand Identity Perspectives (Brand as a Product, an Organization, a Person & a Symbol)
- Brand Identity Levels (Inner & Outer Core & Brand Value Proposition)
- Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism

Unit II: 

Brand Awareness
- Brand Recognition(Direct & Indirect)
- Brand Recall (Aided & Unaided)
Brand Image
- Brand’s Primary Association
- Brand Association
- Simple Association Inventory
- Relative Brand Image Profile Analysis
- Attitude to The Brand Analysis(Tri-Component Attitude Model & Multi-Attribute Attitude to the Object Model)

Unit III: 
Brand Valuation

Brand Valuation
- Cost Based Method
- Historical Cost
- Replacement Cost
- Market value method
- Discounted cash flow method
- Brand contribution method
- Inter brand method
- Royalty Approach Method

Unit IV: 
Brand Valuation

Brand Valuation
- Price Based Method
- Price premium
- Market-share equalization
- Price-premium at indifference
- Consumer Based Method
- Brand knowledge
- Attribute rating
- Blind test

Unit V: 
Maintaining Desired Brand Association Brand Elimination

- Systematic approach
- Strategies (Merger, Sale, Milking & Outright

Essential Readings: 

1. Moorty Y.L.R., Brand Management, Vikas Publication, New Delhi,2007
2. Verma Harsh V, Brand Management, Excel Books, New Delhi.
3. Kotler/Keller/Koshy/Jha, Marketing Management, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. David Akkar, Managing Brand Equity, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi


1. Jimblythe, Marketing Communication, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
2. Chunawala S.A., Sethia K.C., Brand Management , Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
3. Namakumari& Ramaswamy, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Jain, Subash C, International Marketing Management, CBS publishers 7 distirbutors New Delhi.
5. Varshney R.L.& Bhattacharya B, International Marketing Management in Indian Perspectives Sultan Chand & Sons Publishers, New Delhi.
6. Batra, Rajeev, Myres, John G. & Aaker, David A., Advertising Management, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
7. Mishra M.N., Sales Promotion & Advertising Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.

Academic Year: